
Suggest a Destination

Here's how to share a favorite Catholic destination with others.

* Leave a comment in the box below OR

* Send us mail to SO Destinations at The Observer, 555 Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box, 7044, Rockford, IL 61125. If you have a photo or an extra brochure you picked up when you visited, you may send it along. If you want it back, include a stamped, addressed envelope, OR

* Send us email at Please send original, uncropped photos of at least 72dpi that are 12 or more inches wide. If you send e-mail, include “Seasoned Observer” in the subject line.

You don’t need to include all the details we have here, but if you have something special to say about your visit, please feel free to add it.  Try to include a web address (URL) or phone number for the destination you're recommending, but don't worry if you don't have that.


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