
Friday, April 2, 2010

National Shrine of The Divine Mercy - Stockbridge, Massachusetts

(Photos courtesy
Destination: The National Shrine of the Divine Mercy is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. The shrine is operated by the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Masses at the shrine are at 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sunday; 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday and holy days; 2 p.m., and seasonally at 7:30 a.m., weekdays. The Divine Mercy chaplet, followed by Benediction, is offered at 3 p.m. daily.
Why to go: Begun in 1950 without blueprints, a local Italian builder, guided volunteers, Marian noviates and seminarians through the construction process. The shrine features extensive woodwork, 36 stained-glass windows and two mosaics. Stations of the Cross are from Spain. The altar is crafted of Vermont marble. Above it is the image of Jesus, The Divine Mercy, surrounded by the Apostles, which were carved in northern Italy. Above the image of Jesus is a statue of the Immaculate Conception, made from white Carrara marble.
In a side chapel devoted to her is a bas relief of St. Faustina, also carved in northern Italy. She recorded a series of revelations on Divine Mercy in her diary.
Also on the grounds at the Marian Center is one of the largest indoor candle shrines, and, outdoors, the Immaculate Conception Candle Shrine and Lourdes Grotto.
In honor of the shrine’s 50th anniversary, Pope Benedict XVI has offered a plenary indulgence for pilgrims who visit the shrine any time this year.
It was designated a national shrine in 1996.
Special events: In addition to more  than 15,000 piligrims expected for this year’s Divine Mercy Sunday weekend prayers, the shrine also expects many to attend its special events and services on its golden jubilee celebration, May 29.
Amenities: A gift shop at the shrine is open daily, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Access: Located in the Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts, the site may be challenging for some visitors.
(Grand) Kid friendly: Children are welcome, but should be mindful of the many who come for silent prayer.
Info: Address — National Shrine of The Divine Mercy, 2 Prospect Hill Road, Eden Hill, Stockbridge, MA 01262 Phone — 413/298-3931 Web —
- Compiled by Sharon Boehlefeld
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